How to use CSS transition from height 0 to auto
At this moment, CSS does not support transition to height auto. So if we want to simply write "transition: height 500ms" to "height: auto", it will not work as we expected.
I like the solution proposed by this article in the reference by using grid.
is a property that support transition.
Example: set overflow: hidden
on child div, when hovering on the parent div, grid-template-rows transition from 0fr to 1fr.
<div class="example">
transition height auto using CSS grid
.example {
margin: 1rem;
padding: 1rem;
background-color: #ed5ab3;
border-radius: 5px;
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: 0fr;
transition: grid-template-rows 500ms;
.example > div {
color: white;
overflow: hidden;
.example:hover {
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
As much as I love tailwindcss, I'm quite disappointed to find out that currently tailwindcss v3.3.5 does not support transition on grid-template-rows.
This is what I have tried:
- extend theme in tailwind.config.js
theme: {
gridTemplateRows: {
0: "0fr",
transitionProperty: {
"grid-template-rows": "grid-template-rows",
"max-height": "max-height",
- in component js file:
<div className="p-4 m-4 rounded-lg bg-slate-500 grid grid-rows-0 hover:grid-rows-1 transition-[grid-template-rows] duration-1000 ">
<div className="text-white overflow-hidden">tailwindcss - attempt to transition height auto using grid</div>
But the result is that there is no transition.
a work-around to simulate transtion to height auto in tailwindcss
Following this post, since we can not using heigth auto, and we don't want to set a fixed target height, we can use max-height
The idea is to transition child div from max-h-0
to max-h-[500px]
, the 500px is a height value that we think the content will never exceed,
therefore effectively like a height: auto
Note that the tailwind group-{modifier}
is used to style child element based on parent state.
When we hover on parent div, the child div will make transition on max-height.
<div className="p-4 m-8 rounded-lg bg-blue-500 group ">
<div className="text-white overflow-hidden max-h-0 group-hover:max-h-[500px] transition-max-height duration-[1s] ">
demo results
tailwindcss - transition height auto using max-height
As shown above,
- the first row is using grid with CSS module,
- the second row is the failed attempt to replicate grid method in tailwindcss.
- the third row is using tailwindcss max-height method.
However, I'm not convinced by the max-height method, when hover on the 3rd row, I'm not sure to perceive a transition. So, the vanilla CSS wins on this experiment.