← Back To ListNovember 16, 2023

How to use CSS transition from height 0 to auto

At this moment, CSS does not support transition to height auto. So if we want to simply write "transition: height 500ms" to "height: auto", it will not work as we expected.

I like the solution proposed by this article in the reference by using grid. grid-template-rows is a property that support transition.

Example: set overflow: hidden on child div, when hovering on the parent div, grid-template-rows transition from 0fr to 1fr.

<div class="example">
    transition height auto using CSS grid
.example {
  margin: 1rem;
  padding: 1rem;
  background-color: #ed5ab3;
  border-radius: 5px;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: 0fr;
  transition: grid-template-rows 500ms;

.example > div {
  color: white;
  overflow: hidden;  

.example:hover {
  grid-template-rows: 1fr;

As much as I love tailwindcss, I'm quite disappointed to find out that currently tailwindcss v3.3.5 does not support transition on grid-template-rows.

This is what I have tried:

  1. extend theme in tailwind.config.js
theme: {
      gridTemplateRows: {
        0: "0fr",
      transitionProperty: {
        "grid-template-rows": "grid-template-rows",
        "max-height": "max-height",
  1. in component js file:
     <div className="p-4 m-4 rounded-lg bg-slate-500 grid grid-rows-0 hover:grid-rows-1 transition-[grid-template-rows] duration-1000  ">
       <div className="text-white overflow-hidden">tailwindcss - attempt to transition height auto using grid</div>

But the result is that there is no transition.

a work-around to simulate transtion to height auto in tailwindcss

Following this post, since we can not using heigth auto, and we don't want to set a fixed target height, we can use max-height. The idea is to transition child div from max-h-0 to max-h-[500px], the 500px is a height value that we think the content will never exceed, therefore effectively like a height: auto.

Note that the tailwind group-{modifier} is used to style child element based on parent state. When we hover on parent div, the child div will make transition on max-height.

      <div className="p-4 m-8 rounded-lg bg-blue-500 group  ">
        <div className="text-white overflow-hidden max-h-0 group-hover:max-h-[500px] transition-max-height duration-[1s] ">

demo results

transition height auto using CSS grid
tailwindcss - attempt to transition height auto using grid

tailwindcss - transition height auto using max-height

As shown above,

  1. the first row is using grid with CSS module,
  2. the second row is the failed attempt to replicate grid method in tailwindcss.
  3. the third row is using tailwindcss max-height method.

However, I'm not convinced by the max-height method, when hover on the 3rd row, I'm not sure to perceive a transition. So, the vanilla CSS wins on this experiment.





This is to test newletter function