← Back To ListJanuary 4, 2024

Image overlay effect experiments

Basically there are two approaches, one is setting background image, the other is using "img" HTML element.


background-image approach

The advantage of using background-image is that the image will automatically live behind the containing text of icons.


This method simply add background-color and background-image, then use background-blend-mode: multiply.

bg-[url('xxx')] bg-indigo-600 bg-blend-multiply

linear-gradient + image

This is also a simple method, the vanilla CSS syntax of background-image can specify multiple images, including linear-gradient. The images are drawn on stacking context layers on top of each other.



This is a complicated method. I will not use it unless no other choices. But this is an interesting approach that we can learn about stacking context.

image approach

This is also quite complicated approach.


I found that the best text readability is achieved with background-blend-mode: multiply. The same result can be achieved with mix-blend-mode: multiply, but the code is too complicated to understand.

So the winner is: simply apply background-color and background-image and then put in a multiply blender.

bg-[url('xxx')] bg-indigo-600 bg-blend-multiply




This is to test newletter function